Friday 13 March 2015

Sivakami IAS.

* NAME - Sivakami Palanimuthu.
* BORN - November 30, 1957.
* FATHER - M. Palanimuthu, an independent M.L.A, Tamil Nadu and a close associate of popular leader Kakkan ayya.
* IAS BATCH - 1980.

P. Sivakami IAS.,

She is India's first Scheduled Class woman Novelist and first woman Scheduled Class IAS officer from Tamil Nadu, 1980 batch, chose a deliberate exit from significant post mainly to fight atrocities towards Scheduled Class and Women's Rights. While in service, Sivakami was known for her integrity. As a steadfast bureaucrat, she served as special commissioner and commissioner, Directorate of Stationary and Printing for Tamil Nadu Govt and Collector in Thoothukudi district of Tamil Nadu etc., She has been part of the Land Rights Movement for Scheduled Class since 2003, has developed a network of activists, besides mobilizing women’s groups. She has seen in her own experience as an upright officer a situations where Caste Hindu bureaucracy has denied the fitting post to Scheduled Class, for the simple reason that Scheduled Class a wrongly conceived concept. It is no denial in politics, media, judiciary, and in executives Caste Hindu is dominating entire system of our country. This, she feels that there should be an end to such socially diseased class conscious system. In November 2008 she took Voluntary retirement at the age of 51. Later in 2009, she founded her own Political Party "Samuga Samthuva Padai".


The greatness of Sivakami is her writing skill that would expose the Scheduled Class woes, key issues, it’s her greatness that she sacrifices time in travel and meeting people of different parts of India only to disseminate her mission of rights of feminism and to tell all how atrocities against Scheduled Class could be rooted out. Sivakami made a short film "Ooodaha" in 1995 and was selected by the National Panorama and won the President Award the same year. She has authored four novels and almost hundred short stories. All of her four novels centering on Scheduled Class themes. One of these was translated into English and published as "Grip of Change" in 2006. She also edits a Tamil monthly, Puthiya Kodangi which she has been bringing out since 1995. In literary circles, Sivakami is considered a strong critic of the Dravidian movement. Sivakami with her mission marches as a champion of oppressed and her steps are welcome with people’s cooperation and has gained lot of well wishers.



Jai bheem...!!!

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