Reservation policy in Tamil Nadu as:
General – 31%,
O.B.C ( BC and M.B.C) – 50%,
SC – 18% and
ST – 1%.
Reservation policy in all India (Central Govt) as:
General – 50.5%,
O.B.C – 27%,
SC – 15%,
ST – 7.5%
Based on their population proportion. Almost past 93 years, these OBC section in Tamil Nadu licking the taste and enjoying benefits of reservation quota and they now claimed Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes alone gained reservation.
Tell me who takes the reservation in Tamil Nadu too. Where you all gone when the OBC reservation bill introduced in the Lok Sabha 2007. Today these OBC brethren are the worst Casteist in Tamil Nadu and India level than others. They themselves thought they are higher than Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes. By licking these reservation OBC brethren somehow developed today. You OBC SHUDRAS section in Tamil Nadu, before talk the anti-reservation first think at what heuristic strata you people before 70 years. You were all occupied just 4% in government jobs, rest 95% occupied by Brahmins. You Backward and Most backward class having alone enjoyed the quota. You have no shame on yourselves that now portray as higher class. If you all people no need reservation, first you all must tear yours BC and MBC Caste certificates and apply for the open quota i,e 31% which allocated in Tamil Nadu instead applying in BC and MBC quotas in both Educational Institutions and Government Jobs.
Some people thought themselves as they are over smart. They said that it effects the merits. Let me what merit mean. Another group said that the caste starts from the school level and government itself issued what caste certificate. Hey Nonsense, your parents alone teach you what caste you are. Caste starts from your family alone. You people have no problem for the Caste based society. You people have no problem for the Caste based relations among yourselves. You people have no problem for the Caste based Marriage. You people have no problem for the Caste based graveyard. You people have no problem for the Caste based house rentals. You people have no problem when they are denied access to drinking water. You people have no problem when they are victims of violence and atrocities both at home and outside. You people have no problem for the priest from one caste alone. These bondage even death brings no end. Tell me how many idiots negate the Caste based society or Caste based relations among yourselves or Caste based Marriage in India….???? Why my beloved Indians don’t negate it…???
Many says, "Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar created the reservation only for ten years”. Did they ever read or know about what Poona Pact mean? If not, first go and read at least about what the Poona Pact mean and broad yourself who created the present form of reservation. Of course it was created by Mr. Gandhi who fast unto death and denied the rights of Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes section from the separate representation. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar voiced for the separate representation only. Remember it is a Political Representation. The then Prime Minister of Britain, Ramsay Macdonald agreed it for not only Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes but also for Muslims, Sikhs, Anglo-Indians and Christians. Gandhi had no problem for the separate representation to Muslims and Sikhs but against the separate representation to Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes, Anglo-Indians and Christians. No such dark face of Gandhi was screened in Gandhi film. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar wished to end up the reserved constituency only after 10 years. Because he believed that they point out their voices of their problems in Parliament and state legislatures. But the result was different. Instead they were all chanting for their representing parties. In terms of education and jobs, he never said to end up after 10 years. He wished, Reservation system will be prevailing, till Untouchability and the Caste system exists.
Many criticized about the cut-off marks that Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes students will have to score minimum marks than others. Why not many of my colleagues asked me such like. I ask them, do they know about cut-marks to the BL degree in Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University…??? If not, let they broad themselves.
The cut-off marks are:
OC - 83.12%,
SC -77.50%,
BC - 67.62%,
MBC – 64.37% and
ST - 45. 27%.
Do they know about the medical cut-off in Tamil Nadu ( in Madras Medical College, Chennai )…??? If not, let know it.
For OC – 199.75%,
BC – 199.50%,
MBC – 199.25%,
SC – 198.75%,
ST – 199.75%
Go and see the cut-off required for Medical in Tamil Nadu. According to the census of India, the rate of literacy among the Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes is lower than others in India.

Ambeth., Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu.
Jai bheem..!
[ Written - November, 2013 ]