Prof MC Rajah, Dr BR Ambedkar, Cripps Mission, Viceroy's Council (1942) |
Early Position of the Scheduled Classes:
In 1909, Minto-Morley reforms were announced. For the first time an Indian was included in the Viceroy's Executive Council. He was Mr. SP Sinha, who was appointed the Law Member. Unfortunately until 1942 no members of the Scheduled Classes were appointed to this Council. But the demands were kept constant by the Scheduled Classes Organizations. In 1924, under the leadership of Perunthalaivar Prof MC Rajah, the Adi-Dravida Mahajana Sabha demanded communal representation in the Viceroy's Executive Council. The 4th All India Depressed Classes Association conference was held in Madras in 1929. This conference requested the government to appoint a member of the Scheduled Classes in the Executive Council of the Governor and Viceroy. During the Simon Commission in 1928, Dr. Ambedkar did not place much emphasis on communal representation in the Executive Council of the Bombay Presidency. However, along with Thatha Rettamalai Srinivasan, Dr. Ambedkar pressed the claim of the Scheduled Classes for the recognition of their right to representation in the Viceroy's Council at the Round Table Conference. But no members of the Scheduled Classes were included. It continued until 1942.
Indianisation of the Viceroy's Executive Council:
On July 21, 1941, the expansion of the Viceroy's Executive Council was based on the August offer, 1940. Of the 12 members, 8 Indians were appointed. But the important portfolios of Defence, Finance, Home and Communications had withheld from Indians. In addition, the National Defence Council was established with 30 members in its relation to war effort. Prof MC Rajah and Dr. Ambedkar were appointed as its members. Here important thing should be noted that Prof MC Rajah (President of the All India Depressed Classes Association) represented the Scheduled Classes and Dr BR Ambedkar (President of the Independent Labour Party) represented the Labour. When the discussion on the expansion of the Viceroy's Executive Council arose in October and November 1941, MC Rajah or Ambedkar was expected to represent the Scheduled Classes. Again the Scheduled Classes were not included. So, the Sikhs and the Scheduled Classes opposed their non-inclusion in the Executive Council in the late 1941.
Cripps Mission and His Majesty's Assurance:
Cripps Mission came to India in March 1942 to negotiate for a future constitution of India. Sir Stafford Cripps met Prof MC Rajah and Dr Ambedkar on March 30, 1942 in New Delhi. Both Prof MC Rajah and Dr Ambedkar were represented the Scheduled Classes of India. They demanded for the inclusion of the Scheduled Classes representative in the Viceroy's Executive Council. Cripps stated that: "I pointed out that the probabilities were that some representative of the Depressed Classes would be asked to serve on the Executive Council at the Centre". However he added, "this was not a matter for me; the Viceroy would exercise his own judgement". Later they were not satisfied with the Cripps proposals. So that they jointly denounced the proposals of the Cripps Mission as a betrayal of the interests of the Scheduled Classes. On April 1, 1942, in their joint statement to Cripps: "We are all of us absolutely convinced that the proposals are calculated to do the greatest harm to the Depressed Classes and are sure to place them under an unmitigated system of Hindu rule. Any such result which takes us back to the black days of the ancient past will never be tolerated by us, and we are all determined to resist any such catastrophe befalling our people with all the means at our command". Prof MC Rajah addressed in the 50th birthday celebration of Dr BR Ambedkar in Pune, 1942. There he opposed the Cripps proposals again on 22nd April 1942. They brought pressure upon the British Government for the appointment of a Scheduled Classes in the Executive Council.
Dr. Ambedkar's entry into the Viceroy's Executive Council:
At long last the British Government realized their mistake and gave representation to the Scheduled Classes in the Viceroy's Executive Council. Dr. Ambedkar appointed to the Viceroy’s Executive as a Labour Member in succession to Feroz Khan on 2nd July 1942. His appointment was the first Scheduled Classes appointment In the Viceroy’s Council. He received a number of congratulatory letters and telegrams from the prominent persons in public life including Prof. MC Rajah and Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru. He formally assumed his duties on July 20, 1942. In those days both Prof. MC Rajah and Dr. Ambedkar gave unconditional support to the British Government in the Second World War. To them, the war was between democracy and dictatorship, and dictatorship needs to be destroyed. It is my point of view, why the Viceroy Linlithgow appointed Dr. Ambedkar rather than Prof. MC Rajah who was the most prominent leader of the Scheduled Classes then? The reason was simple. Already Prof. MC Rajah was nominated in the Central Legislative Assembly as the first person from the Scheduled Classes of India and a Member of the India Central Committee. When the process for new Viceroy’s Executive Council proposed in 1945, Thanthai V.I. Munusamy Pillai was provisionally allocated 'Education' Member. But this expansion became inoperative.
As a Labour Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council between 1942 and 1946, Dr. Ambedkar framed many laws for labourers. His appointment was a milestone for the Indian working class. It was a long journey of the Scheduled Classes, especially the prolonged struggle of Perunthalaivar Prof MC Rajah, Thatha Rettamalai Srinivasan, Dr BR Ambedkar, etc.,
Ambeth அம்பேத்
Tamil Nadu.
தாமரைகள் விழித்திருக்கட்டும் ! Om Mani Padmaye ! May the Lotuses Awake ! (Enlightenment).